Things have been so busy around the Greer house this week! I can't believe we've had M for 4 weeks now and that my little Monkey is starting kindergarten next week! My babies are growing up much faster than I want!
In my usual backward-ness, a look over the last week, starting with today:

M took her first nap in her room today while Jeremy and I hung pictures upstairs. She seemed to enjoy the nap and we enjoyed a little quality time with our hammer and nails. Her room is the only room nearly finished in the house. I missed out on the 'nesting' phase during pregnancy since we were moving so I'm slowly getting things in order.

Dear friends came over last weekend and cooked us a delicious dinner. Mama Patty is our adopted grandmother to the kiddos and Kristal will be the coolest adopted aunt!

M enjoying her first real (sink) bath last weekend. She LOVES the water! When I was pregnant, Jake and I would swim every day and she would kick and kick while in the pool. She and Jake are definitely my water babies! Now, when we bathe her (she's already outgrown the small sink), she gets fussy when we take her out. Guess she'll enjoy long baths....

Happy Sweet Pea after the relaxing soak!

Finally! Mr. Handsome is as adorable as ever! He's really excited to meet his teacher at orientation this week and looking forward to playing with all of his new friends. His Transformer backpack is loaded down with school supplies that he's ready to use. His only worry is that he won't be able to read as good as his friends. So....for my memory's sake, below is a list of words he can read and write. Hopefully, I'll remember this when he's older!
his full name
phone number
street (both old and new)
the, dog, cat, hat, bat, ball, rat, base, no, stop, go, red, green, Scooby, and love
He knows Jacksonville and Orange Park so now we're working on spelling both. He also knows what town he was born in and how many houses he's lived in over the last 5 years. He's a smart kid--Jeremy and I just hope his new teacher can handle his stubbornness!
We also went to the MOSH last week and learned all about our body and space. Jake really enjoyed the museum and is planning to go back with his Daddy soon.
Good Luck to all of our friends and family that are starting school this week!!!