Sunday, February 27, 2011


Baby Girl wore her maroon and white to church today in honor of Jack Cristil's 58 years of service to Mississippi State. She didn't know him personally but I know she won't enjoy football season as much without him!
We had a busy weekend doing odd things around the house and enjoying the beautiful Florida weather. Only 19 more days until the kiddos and I are in Mississippi!
Tired after working on the computer. Poor baby!
She loves sleeping with her arms over her face. It's a Greer thing.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Saturday, February 19, 2011


Makes me want to snuggle.

Play Time.

Monkey, Sister, and I have gotten in some quality play time this week. Sweet Pea has discovered the full length mirror in her room and loves to sit and talk to herself. Since talking is his favorite past time, Monkey usually joins in the conversation!
Monkey had her cackling with his antics. He's such an entertainer!
Excuse the way I look-we had been awake all of 20 minutes. This is just a rare shot of children with their mother.
As if we're not weird enough, we (I mean Jeremy specifically) likes to make pictures with icing for Monkey's strudel. Below is his latest creation of a dog pooping.
Lucky girl, Lucky children.
A 4 day weekend is in store for the Greer clan. Enjoy!

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Happy Thursday!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Don't Go Ninjun Nobody That Don't Need Ninjun!

Monkey started karate lessons a few weeks back and has come a long way with his discipline and moves. Check out his karate choppin'!
One day, we'll wake up and he'll be a black belt. Our growing boy...

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Big Girl.

Happy 7 Months Sweet Pea!!
Her new talent is squealing when she wants something, is happy or mad, hungry, or generally needing attention. She has quickly grown out of the infant stage and is possibly skipping over the young toddler phase. Typical Princess.

It's been the best 7 months!

A Monkey post soon....

Thursday, February 3, 2011

School is Half Way Over!!!

Monkey and his class celebrated 100 days of school on Monday-they made masks, fruit loop necklaces with 100 fruit loops, and played games all day. Monkey even made a large sign with 100 marshmellows. We are so happy that school is on the downward slope now! He was a little worried that kindergarten would start over at Day 1 again but his fears were set aside when, on the 101st day, they made 101 dalmation ears and pretended to be puppies all day.
Some much needed snuggle time with Mama!
Sweet Pea turned 30 weeks old yesterday. It's gone by so fast and sad to see our infant leaving us but at the same time, I know the next phase is always more fun.