Friday, June 22, 2012


Look what I found at my front door this afternoon.....

Little Sister wants you to know how much she loves Mickey Mouse! 

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Monkey and Mickey

What's Monkey doing? 
 Chores. Of course, they're more fun to do in the country!

Where's Sweet Pea, you ask? 
Getting in a little Meeska Mouska time in with her Daddy. She is a Daddy's girl now....

Thursday, June 7, 2012


Monkey officially finished the 1st grade on Tuesday! This Mama was very happy and very sad at the same time. He had a wonderful teacher who inspired him to love reading and science more than ever. Mrs. H. has been an educational blessing to our smart boy!
Monkey is now on summer vacation, enjoying some much needed country time in Mississippi with his Lovey and Papa. We are so proud of him and look forward to all of the new things he will learn in 2nd grade!