No more baby.
No more diapers.
No more still shots.
This Big Girl is 2!
Aunt Amanda, Uncle Will, and Tater-thank you for Minnie Mouse! Minnie went swimming with us!
Big Girl loves her new kitchen set. She also got very girly high-heels for play and a baby stroller, courtesy of her favorite Great-Grandmother!
However, she was not thrilled to leave her new toys and go to her favorite restaurant and 'chopping.'
But when she saw the rocking chairs at Cracker Barrel, she was Happy Girl again.
Monkey even had a little fun, too.
Brownie cake (all over all 4 us) thanks to Cracker Barrel-Big Girl's 'go to' eatery.
Our 2nd cake was not as much fun to eat. She was more disturbed about eating the monkey. Poor Monkey.
I can't believe we'll never have another baby in our house (not ours, at least). Big Girl has made the last 2 years a lot more fun and interesting!
What does a 2 year old do?
Sing the ABC song
Sing 'Itsy Bitsy Spider'
Count to 10
Say 4-5 words in a sentence
Dress/Undress herself
Repeat everything (even an occasional potty word)
Take care of her babies
Feed/Water the dog
Almost swim
She's very, very independent in the water!
27.1 lbs (70th percentile)
35 inches (80th percentile)
We love our independent, Daddy-fussing, milk-drinking, dog-wrestling, 'anything you can do, I can do better!' Little Girl.