Thursday, August 14, 2008

Do ducks bite?

One of favorite times of day (other than Mama time) is bath time. We were so excited when we moved into this house because of the master bath room. When you have a husband that is over 6 feet tall and 3 year old that is taller than all the other kids his age, a garden tub makes sense. You can pour a glass of wine (er...tea), grab your favorite trashy magazine, and Boom! You are relaxing in a warm, soapy bath.....Not in our house! As you can see our bath tub was immediately taken over by Jake and his toys. There are more toys in there than in the playroom. They all seem to migrate towards water.
Thanks, Papa Bear, for the duck decoy. He loves to get in his afternoon swim!

1 comment:

Jim and Cara Lea said...


I know.. I can't believe I joined the bloggind world.. but I have been reading other peoples' forever, so I thought I would try it out.. plus I am so bored.. so it gives me something else to do during the day!

You can go to and they have all kinds of layouts, headers, hints and help, etc.. that is what I did.. some of their stuff is confusing, but it's a start atleast!

Jake is a cutie!