Saturday, July 10, 2010

Day 4 as a Foursome

Jake has been enjoying quality alone time with his Lovey and Papa while he can. Papa Bear drove back to Mississippi today but Lovey is staying with us two more weeks. She and Jake went to the movies and the book store today. Jake bought a monster-making kit and below are two of his finished products. He's very proud!!
Baby M snoozing-she really has been the perfect baby. She slept a total of 8 hours last night, only waking once to eat! We've been very blessed.
On a side note, the purple blanket is courtesy of our good friend Andrea. She finished it just in time for Morgan to use it in the hospital. We had multiple people ask where it came from and where they can buy one! Andrea-this could be a good side job for you if the whole doctor thing doesn't work out!
Daddy wraps her up just the way she likes it!
In preparation for Morgan's arrival, Jake also worked on a birthday cake idea for her. He said that every baby should love her first cake. She can't eat it just yet but Jake worked hard to make the sprinkles just right. And it tasted good too!

The Greer family is home and happy under one roof. Give us two weeks of seclusion and we'll be stir crazy!

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