Thursday, September 9, 2010

9 Weeks and Already Full of Sass!

Contrary to the note in the previous post, I did take Monkey back to school and he didn't seem to mind! In fact, he says it's not as boring as it was last week. He automatically goes to time out during recess because of his talking but we're letting it slide for the most part-as long as he only gets his name on the board and no check marks.
Sweet Pea is growing like a small, screaming weed. I took her for her 2 month check up and 4 shots this week.

weight 12 lbs, 14 oz (25% percentile)
height 23 inches (75% percentile)

She's a petite little thing with healthy lungs! She even gave the doctor's office a piece of her mind!
Loving Daddy time
Exhausted after a screaming fit
Monkey loves her so much!! She loves him most of the long as he's entertaining her!

We'll be home in a few weeks and are so excited to see family. We miss you!

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