Monday, April 11, 2011

Birthday Boy.

Monkey is so cool, he was able to celebrate his 6th birthday 3 times last week! First, we had Transformer cupcakes with his school friends, then we had more Transformer cupcakes at his t-ball game Friday night (Red Sox won!), and finally cake at Mrs. Jennifer's house Saturday night. He had such a fun weekend and felt so special getting mail just for him (thanks aunts, uncles, and grandparents!).
The Birthday Boy the day before his actual birthday-his special day fell on a school holiday so he was lucky enough to the get day off!
Transformer cupcakes for school. His poor teacher had the honor of keeping 15 extremely hyper and icing-covered kids after we left. Jake continued his early celebration with a thorough cleaning at the dentist.
On his actual birthday we let him decide where we ate breakfast and lunch. Want to guess? For those that know him well: McDonalds. Twice.
Ready for his t-ball game with Coach. Red Sox won!
Celebrating one more time at Mrs. Jennifer and Mr. Sean's house. We are so thankful to have adopted family like them!
Monkey is convinced he's a dog now-he barked and growled for Sister and I all the way to school this morning.

Happy 6th Birthday my Man!!

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