Friday, June 26, 2009

Dinosaur Friends

Formally introducing:
Jackroot, Echo, and Poop in the Pants
Welcome to our family! While Jake is in school, the dinosaurs are in dragon school learning to be super-hero dragons!
Have a great weekend!

God and His Babies

As told through the eyes of a 4 year old:
I know where babies come from! Mama, do you go to the doctor? (Me-well...sometimes). Well, you go to the doctor and God puts a baby in your tummy to bake. Then you go back to the doctor and God takes apart your tummy and a baby sister comes out.
I didn't tell him this-he says he learned this at (Baptist) school!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Father's Day Fun!

We had a very relaxing Father's Day Weekend. The festivities began with a little present from Jake-his very own hand print. Daddy can hang it in his office now! We also gave Jeremy a humidor that he's been eyeing for several months now.

Saturday we gave Daddy a yummy breakfast at Cracker Barrel, a mid-day nap, and bowling in the afternoon. Yes....I beat Jeremy. Let it be known!
Jake wasn't so bad at bowling either. No black toe this time!
Sunday we spent some quality time at the beach. I think we're actually turning into beach bums!
Now we're off to a busy week of swim lessons and stuff...

Friday, June 19, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day, Daddy!!
We Love You,
Suzanne and Jake
Happy Father's Day also to Grandy, Granddaddy, and Papa Bear! We love you and miss you every day!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Movie Time!

This weekend we took Jake to see 'Up' in 3D---great movie, not so much for kids but for adults! And we got to wear Buddy Holly glasses the whole time!
As we were walking out, I saw the movie-that-shall-remain-nameless advertisement. Jeremy thought it would be funny for me to take the picture with it but then Jake insisted that it was his turn to take a picture. I think he just wanted to make his silly face for the camera!
We also spent some time at the beach and the neighborhood swimming pool. Jake is signed up for swim lessons next week but can already swim for the most part. Sometimes he gets a little excited and opens his mouth underwater! I think the Superman swim trunks help keep him afloat!
Have a great week!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Boys and Girls Names

Conversation on the way home Tuesday. Somehow we got to talking about having a baby brother or sister someday. This is what my Monkey said:
Jake: Mama, if I have a sister, I'm calling her 'Honey.'
Mama: Why 'Honey?'
Jake: Because that's what boys call girls.
Mama: Where did you hear that?
Jake: On a movie and Daddy calls you Honey.
Mama: What if you have a baby brother?
Jake: I won't. I want a Honey baby!
Santa Claus--this one is for you....Jake is expecting a baby one day!
So now we have a nickname for a baby sister but will continue working on the nickname for a baby brother. No--we're not expecting any time soon. Sorry Mama and Daddy!

We Know We Look Good!

Faithful reader(s), you check out our blog sporadically and I know you always wonder, "How can this family be this beautiful?" It's not the perfect genes we were blessed with but this breathtaking family portrait that makes us look so good!
We're slowly adjusting to normal life again with everyone home. However, Molly is depressed and acting out that her Trixie-Baby is not in Florida to play with her. She'll get over it...
Have a great weekend!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Catching Up With the Greers

A lot has gone on in the Greer House over the last two weeks. This would explain my lack of blogging.
My grandparents and Mama came down for Memorial Day weekend for a few days. We had a great time showing them how Florida is a great place to retire (Mama and Daddy-hint). Jake went back to Mississippi with them and has spent the last seven days doing anything he wanted, especially bothering Uncle Joe since he can't move!
Jeremy had a big doctor's appointment last week so his sister and mother came down as well as Daddy. Thank you all so much for coming!!! It's so comforting to know that we have family willing to drop everything to be with us in Florida.
It's been two weeks and I still haven't put fresh batteries in my camera so the picture below is a random shot Jeremy took with his iphone. We were trying to snap Jake holding Grandy's hand but it didn't work out so much.
Jake will be home on Wednesday and we are so excited!! Our house is too quiet without him. Thank you all for the thoughts and prayers during the last two weeks!! We could not have made it without a strong support system! We love you!!