Wednesday, September 29, 2010

My Kids Are Adorable!

Monkey joined the '100 Club' at school!!! We're so proud of him for counting to 100 for his teacher. It's really not a huge feat for him (he can count to 200+) but we've been trying to get him to take more of an interest in school. He's bored to tears and acting out (talking) so this was a little fun for him. We immediately went to Wal-Mart for his reward! I love my Monkey!
We're working on our skeleton and mermaid costumes for Halloween. Monkey found these glow-in-the-dark gloves at the Dollar Store-it's still hot here and he wears these all the time, even to bed! It's a little quirky!
Sweet Pea is growing into a chubby bunny and we love it! Her short temper is starting to show (she inherited this from her Daddy) but we are still blinded by her general sweetness.
I LOVE chubby baby feet!
Do not let this picture fool you: it's still hot here but we had one 'cool' day where she had to wear pants to get Monkey from school. She's not a fan of the rain but we're dealing with that :)
We can't wait to see friends and family next week in Mississippi!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Bumpo Baby!

In honor of Sweet Pea turning 11 weeks old today, we tried out her Bumpo seat. Results: she loves it! She prefers to sit up straight anyway so she can see her entire surroundings but this makes her a little more independent. Now she can sit and talk to me while I do things around the house.
If you look closely, you'll see my dream is coming true-her hair has a red tint to it! I love it!

While playing Batman with her brother, she had to check out Ringo, the ceiling fan, to see what he's up to. Big Brother likes having her close by.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Superheroes Ate My Sandwich!

Below is how we found Jake's sandwich yesterday-apparently Batman and his superhero buddies decided they like peanut butter and jelly!

For Halloween, Monkey wants to be a skeleton and he wants Sweet Pea to be a mermaid (we call her 'Morgan the Mermaid' because she LOVES water!). So we are now on the hunt for for costumes.

Sweet Pea is really coming out of her shell and showing more personality. She smiles, giggles, and coos a lot. I finally caught a couple pictures of her smiling and talking to her mobile. We think she's going to be a talker like her big brother!

We'll be home in 2 weeks to see family and let everyone fall in love with Sweet Pea just like us! We hope to see you soon!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

9 Weeks and Already Full of Sass!

Contrary to the note in the previous post, I did take Monkey back to school and he didn't seem to mind! In fact, he says it's not as boring as it was last week. He automatically goes to time out during recess because of his talking but we're letting it slide for the most part-as long as he only gets his name on the board and no check marks.
Sweet Pea is growing like a small, screaming weed. I took her for her 2 month check up and 4 shots this week.

weight 12 lbs, 14 oz (25% percentile)
height 23 inches (75% percentile)

She's a petite little thing with healthy lungs! She even gave the doctor's office a piece of her mind!
Loving Daddy time
Exhausted after a screaming fit
Monkey loves her so much!! She loves him most of the long as he's entertaining her!

We'll be home in a few weeks and are so excited to see family. We miss you!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Bossy Britches!

Don't get me wrong, Monkey loves school! However, he doesn't like to get up by an alarm. He's more of a I'll-wake-up-on-my-own-time kind of kid. He wrote me this note after school because I made him get up early Monday morning.
He's doing great in school. He does go to time-out on the playground every day but is still coming home with green lights. I asked him why and what he talks about so much but he just tells me he has 'things to say.' He's very opinionated! Monkey's teacher said he'll talk to anyone in the class so moving him around has proven unsuccessful. Jeremy and I would never have talked that much in school! I don't know where Monkey gets it from....

Sweet M is 8 weeks old today and still a doll! She's holding her head up more, smiling all the time, and sleeping about 5 hours through the night. Tonight she's moving from the cradle in our room to her crib in her room. I'm a little nervous but know it's for the better. She's just growing up so fast!
She sleeps exactly like her big brother and Daddy. So cute!