Tuesday, August 30, 2011


So this may not be the most exciting kid video around, but Jeremy shot this just to show how Little Sister eats off of everyone's plate.
Eggs were eaten after a granola bar and waffle and before a bowl of chocolate cheerios. She has to eat a least one bite off of every plate or she's not a happy girl!

Not only does she get her looks from us, but she shares in the Love appetite too!

Saturday, August 27, 2011


Monkey trying to scare or tease us! Not sure which but we all had a good laugh!
Further proof Sweet Pea has hair. This is one of the bows she threw a screaming fit over to have. It staying in her hair about 30 seconds before falling out! But she's still a cutie!

These kids are crazy!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Big Girl was so excited (for about 2 minutes total) to watch Mickey Mouse for the first time today! She's never cared or noticed the tv unless her 'Sex and The City' theme song was playing so I thought this was cute. She's waving to Mickey and screaming 'Dog Dog!'

Happy Girl. Happy Mama.

Monday, August 22, 2011


A good mother would've posted these last week. I guess I'm so-so this week.
Monkey had a great first week of 1st grade! He loves his teacher and was happy to see his old friends. His only complaint is no snack time!

We love our Monkey and wish he would stop growing!!

Monday, August 15, 2011


This time tomorrow....
this Tiger will be hanging out with his 1st grade friends and....
reading more and more!
One proud Mama here!


Dear Lovey,
Sweet Pea loves her blanket! Baby curled up for snuggle time today with her favorite sleepy and then told me 'night night!'
Your (Grateful) Daughter

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


You guessed it!

This Little Lady....
is standing.....
and steps away from complete independence!

Mountain Lion.

Someone got into a brawl with a local Mountain Lion....
Just kidding!
Mosquitos: 1
Monkey: 0

Monday, August 1, 2011


They make every day better!


I filmed Baby today-she was showing me her Mickey Mouse book and talking. Nonstop.
I love this girl. I love her voice.