Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Phone Dump

At least I'm updating again, right? 

A few of the 300+ pictures from my phone this month. Enjoy!


Our attempt at a Christmas card picture...

Both children survived but the card may not have. Enjoy!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Just a sneak peak as to where we've been this month....

More pictures to follow once I figure out how to find them!

Happy Halloween!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Boy Scout.

This is one handsome fellow! Melts his Mama's heart. 
Sweet Pea was attempting to salute like her Big Brother, but she was in mid-sentence by the time I took a picture. Typical Girl. 

We're ready for another great year in Scouts!!!


I promise we're alive and well...with only slight runny noses. We're really busy and I'm too lazy to upload any recent pictures. Maybe tomorrow? Or next week? 
In the meantime, enjoy this picture of Sweet Pea giving love to a giant spider in Pier 1. This Big Girl loves, loves, loves to shop!

Monday, September 3, 2012

New Family Member

With the start of a new school year comes excitement and exhaustion. Monkey is learning faster than I can keep up and his Little Sister is about the same. Both are excelling in school and, if I were a better parent, I would download and post some of their recent work.

But I'm tired. 

And ready to go to bed. 
 A rare moment of Little Lady sitting with her Mother....only because we were at Cracker Barrel.

He does not look like a 2nd grader anymore. 
 Meet Hazel-our newest family member. She immediately found her spot and is already fighting for attention among the other wild animals in our house. 
There's really no explanation needed here. 

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

2nd Grade!

Monkey survived his first day of 2nd grade and is looking forward to the rest of the year! He only knew one other friend in his class so he may have to actually learn names this year (16 sections of 2nd graders!). I'm excited and nervous to see what he'll learn and how much he'll grow. Going to school is much harder on Mama than Monkey. 

Little Sister was happy to see her 'girl-frans' and boy friends at school again, too! She didn't want her mother to take her to school, but rather her daddy so she could watch the 'moo-move-it' (Madagascar movie).  She had a great day and talked non-stop (as usual) on the way to her Bubby. Big Girl loves a good conversation!

Good bye.

So long baby bed....

 This snuggly Big Girl has moved on up.....
 and doesn't miss her little girl 'cage.' 
Big Girl bedroom pictures coming soon!

Sunday, August 12, 2012


Monkey and Big Girl spent their last two weeks of summer vacation with their Lovey and Papa in the great Mississippi. We missed them but knew this would be a summer neither would forget! They went to the Children's Museum, Mr. Bill's 'house' (his store), Kismets, the library, splash pads, shopping, playing, and running around the farm!

Monkey officially starts 2nd grade this week and Little Sister will re-join her friends at school. She is now speaking in full sentences and has become even more dramatic in her expressions and conversations. He is already planning his future business with his Papa-building furniture and selling it. Saving his money as he goes! 

We hope for another wonderful school year!

Monday, July 9, 2012


No more baby.
No more diapers.
No more still shots. 

This Big Girl is 2!
 Aunt Amanda, Uncle Will, and Tater-thank you for Minnie Mouse! Minnie went swimming with us!
 Big Girl loves her new kitchen set. She also got very girly high-heels for play and a baby stroller, courtesy of her favorite Great-Grandmother!
 However, she was not thrilled to leave her new toys and go to her favorite restaurant and 'chopping.' 
 But when she saw the rocking chairs at Cracker Barrel, she was Happy Girl again. 
 Monkey even had a little fun, too.
 Brownie cake (all over all 4 us) thanks to Cracker Barrel-Big Girl's 'go to' eatery.
Our 2nd cake was not as much fun to eat. She was more disturbed about eating the monkey. Poor Monkey. 

I can't believe we'll never have another baby in our house (not ours, at least). Big Girl has made the last 2 years a lot more fun and interesting! 

What does a 2 year old do? 
Sing the ABC song
Sing 'Itsy Bitsy Spider'
Count to 10
Say 4-5 words in a sentence
Dress/Undress herself
Repeat everything (even an occasional potty word)
Take care of her babies
Feed/Water the dog
Almost swim
She's very, very independent in the water!

27.1 lbs (70th percentile)
35 inches (80th percentile)

We love our independent, Daddy-fussing, milk-drinking, dog-wrestling, 'anything you can do, I can do better!'  Little Girl.