Wednesday, October 27, 2010

It's Been 4 Months Already?

I can't believe Sweet Pea is 4 months old today. It's amazing how much things have changed at the Greer house this year-new house, new baby, new school, new stay-at-home job....we've been blessed in so many ways!
M is growing like a weed. Baby Girl giggles and talks a lot more than she sleeps. She follows voices around the room, holds herself up with her arms, has rolled over once, is extremely ticklish, loves just the sight of her big brother, is teething and drooling, and loves to be held as much as possible (I don't deny her the last one).
When Monkey was a baby, Jeremy and I would fight (playfully) over who would get to rock him to sleep. Now we rotate-one reads with Monkey before bed while the other rocks baby to sleep. Both are wonderful so it's impossible to choose our favorite!

Monkey-he will be an extremely scary mummy/skeleton for Halloween this year. Beware! He has been doing so great at home and in school so the Big Man will get a post all of his own later this week. We're so proud of our Kindergartner!
Happy Halloween!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Vacation, Mississippi Style!

There are so many wonderful things to do while vacationing in Mississippi:

1. Play with your (future) dinner.
2. Give Bully a ride.
3. Visit Granddaddy.
4. Roll around on the ground with Bella.
5. Tire + Swing=Fun!
6. Take the most adorable nephew to Bass Pro for some light shopping.
*On a side note, doesn't Austin look a bit like Sweet Pea????
7. Take family pictures beside a giant igloo (after eating at said igloo).
We are so thankful to see so many of our friends and family while in Mississippi. Monkey and Sweet Pea both enjoyed the 'spoiled rotten time!'