Tuesday, May 19, 2009

We Almost Bought that Hat!

I know, I know...more pictures of Jake. Do we have pictures of anyone else or anything else for that matter? Well, we do-but my camera battery is dead once again. So later this week you can see pictures of all three of us relaxing at the beach! Nothing really that exciting but proof that Jake does have parents.
Jake went shopping at Target over the weekend and really wanted his daddy to buy this hat. It definitely makes a fashion statement...
The worms come free at our house.
We're working through a busy week and look forward this weekend to our neighborhood Relay for Life. Our volunteers have worked so hard to produce a successful event so we'll be out there in full force supporting them while also honoring those touched by cancer and remembering those who've lost their battle with cancer.

See you in 4 days Mama, Mamaw Romie, Grandy, and baby Trixie!! We love you!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Beach Bummin'

So I think this is our regular weekend routine now. The pool on Saturday and the beach on Sunday after church. Jake is not afraid of the water at all. He and Jeremy take the huge waves head on! Not me...I just know my luck that some catastrophic wave will come and my bathing suit will be down around my ankles!
The boys and I lounged in our beach chairs for several hours last weekend (I'm a late blogger) and enjoyed the sunny weather. I actually got to read part of a book while Jeremy and I people-watched. If you've ever been to Florida, you know that people have no shame here!
Anyway, I'm sure we'll be there this weekend pending the storms are gone.
Have a great weekend!! See you in 8 days Mama, Mamaw Romie, and Grandy!

Monday, May 11, 2009

I'm Still His Favorite!

Mother's Day was wonderful with my boys! We went to church and then spent the afternoon playing at the beach.
Below is just a cute picture of Jake (minus my cuteness) from the Shrimp Festival last weekend.
On a funnier note, I got a call this morning from Jake's teacher. Mrs. J reported that Jake came to school with $23 in his pocket! I have no idea where it came from but my little entrepreneur is always out looking for a dollar to save!! When he was a baby, he would pat our friends down at the front door for loose change that he could add to his money jar. The jar is so heavy now that it doesn't budge! Jake is going to be as cheap as his parents!
More pictures to come soon of Jake chillin' at the beach!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!
We were sidetracked as usual and didn't mail out Mother's Day cards to any of our family....Sorry! For those related to us that are mothers, you already know that we love you! We'll make it up to you soon.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Next Great Sketch Artist

We are proud to announce that Jake can now write his full name!! Well..almost! He knows his full name but since we use a nickname, he can now write his full nickname. If you look closely, you can see Greer written backwards in sidewalk chalk. We've had several practice runs since then and I'm told that Jake is beginning to write his first and last name on all his work at school.
Yes, I know what you're thinking, 'He is a child genius!'
My future criminal sketch artist-I drew it but only with Jake's direction. That includes sword in hand!
For the finale, Jake told me last week that my 'special day' was soon and he wrote out special words for me. You can see Mama spelled backwards (again we're working on directions). I'm so proud of my man!!
Happy Mother's Day early! This sounds corny, but every day with Jake and Jeremy is a special day for me!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Eating With God

Jake: Mama, where's the moon? I don't see it.
Mama: I don't know. Maybe he's hiding behind the clouds tonight.
Jake: Nope. I think he's eating fish with God tonight.
Mama: You think the moon eats out?
Jake: Yes Mama! The moon loves to eat with God!
I should have known that the moon has to eat too!!

Weekend Bliss

This past weekend, the Greer family spent a lot of quality time with our Florida friends. Jake and I met the Ex-ACS girls (well, almost everyone is ex) for some yummy seafood at Whitey's Fish Camp on Friday.
On Saturday we were off to the Amelia Island Shrimp Fest with our friend Peacock. After applying Children's 50+ SPF, I'm still sunburned. Jake and Jeremy were completely untouched. Figures.
Jake and Daddy wrestling on the floor at Peacock's house.
On Sunday, Jake and I played the 'Rain Game.' I'm not sure of the rules but I know I did lose every game.
Jake also revealed on Friday that he has a new girlfriend at school named Emma. He won't tell me much of what they do together but I'm sure it can't be too much! He said he doesn't kiss her because all kisses go to Mama (thank goodness I drilled that into his head) and that he does play with her on the playground.
Congratulations to Uncle Joseph for graduating from Mississippi State! We are so proud of you and wish you the best of luck with your new job!
We're off to a great week!