Monday, May 4, 2009

Weekend Bliss

This past weekend, the Greer family spent a lot of quality time with our Florida friends. Jake and I met the Ex-ACS girls (well, almost everyone is ex) for some yummy seafood at Whitey's Fish Camp on Friday.
On Saturday we were off to the Amelia Island Shrimp Fest with our friend Peacock. After applying Children's 50+ SPF, I'm still sunburned. Jake and Jeremy were completely untouched. Figures.
Jake and Daddy wrestling on the floor at Peacock's house.
On Sunday, Jake and I played the 'Rain Game.' I'm not sure of the rules but I know I did lose every game.
Jake also revealed on Friday that he has a new girlfriend at school named Emma. He won't tell me much of what they do together but I'm sure it can't be too much! He said he doesn't kiss her because all kisses go to Mama (thank goodness I drilled that into his head) and that he does play with her on the playground.
Congratulations to Uncle Joseph for graduating from Mississippi State! We are so proud of you and wish you the best of luck with your new job!
We're off to a great week!

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