Monday, September 22, 2008

Stylin and Profilin!

So another great weekend for the books. Except, for MSU. I've been a faithful fan of Croom since his inception in maroon and white but, living in Gator Country, I'm beginning to doubt my MSU obsession. Is this the best we can do? Is my lack of faith keeping the football boys from a winning season? Let's hope for a better week....
So we're just hanging around at the Greer compound. Jake is his bubbly self-playing, running, talking non-stop, and still loving his Mama the most!

We finally have a Chick-Fil-A within walking distance from our house so we go there on Thursday nights for family night. I almost punched another child for pushing Jake down the slide....but self control availed! And I made his Dad come get him! Jake loves family night because he gets free ice cream with sprinkles....Yummy!

Another Greer tradition is Cracker Barrel after church on Sundays because that is Papa's favorite restaurant and we have to go where Papa goes! Jake must play with the checkers before we can leave. It's tradition!

Isn't he one good looking husband?!?

Happy First Day of Fall!!

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