Sunday, January 16, 2011

Happy New Year!...A Little Late

So much has been going on at the Greer Compound since Christmas! From Gator Bowl festivities to foot surgery to school, we started 2011 running! Jeremy and I were fortunate enough to celebrate our wedding anniversary with friends and family around. Everyone was in town for the Gator Bowl (Go Dawgs!) so we were able to enjoy a night out on the town with friends-not something we get to do often.
As long as we look cute, we're happy!
Just to see how much she has grown-scroll down to the last picture of her and Monkey.
Baby Girl officially hit the 6 month mark January 7th! I can't believe she's already been with us half a year!

At 6 months, she can/does:
Sit up by herself
Eat 3 solid meals a day, usually baby food
Talks. A. Lot.
Grab large and small objects
Smile, flirt, and giggle (she LOVES boys!)
Follow the sound of my voice
React to hearing her name
Scream. Scream. Scream. When she doesn't get her way
Sleep 7pm-6ish am

She weighs 17 lbs. and is still in the 95th percentile. We know how to grow babies around here!
Monkey is back in school and making more of an effort not to talk so much. He's only come home with 1 unacceptable light in 2 weeks. He easily talks two or three times more than his parents.

Monkey is also signed up for t-ball this spring. We hope this is the year he really enjoys it more!

Happy New Year!

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