Sunday, October 16, 2011


We have officially survived our first week as 2 working parents with 2 children. We had 1 stomach virus, several breakdowns, 1 face painted, and very little sleep. So far, so good!

We ran Monkey by our annual Fall Festival so he could get tattoos like his Daddy. He has always wanted them so I guess they'll be in his very distant future.
He likes playing with all of his friends in his after school program but he's still not crazy about being away from us for so long. I miss my afternoons and freedom with him but know this is the best opportunity for our family.

Sweet Pea more or less survived her first week at school. I believe she went from crying 4-5 hours a day to 1-2. Success if you know her! This is, by far, the longest I've ever been away from her at one time. She's learning to like her teachers and already has a friend that they know can calm her down. On Day 3 of school, she even got in trouble for eating off of her friends' plates! My girl does love to nibble!
I caught her reading Dave Ramsey this morning. It's never too early to teach our children good financial planning!
It's a duck tail! Her red-ish hair is growing!
Smiling through her fever and diarrhea. Poor baby was miserable all weekend.
Sister loves to open and play in the cabinets. Typically, there's nothing that she can really get out on her own. However, this week she learned how to open cereal boxes and get what she wanted. Two bites and she was done and walked/wobbled away.

One month until we see friends and family for a few short hours in Mississippi!

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