Monday, December 15, 2008

I'm a slacker....

We get so busy during the holidays (even though we technically have little to do) that we sometimes forget to enjoy each other's company. So....this past weekend, Jake and I spent some quality time together.
He had a dentist appointment this week and was so proud of his toothbrush. He does not like the dentist and did not let him touch his teeth. So, $71 later, we had an expensive tooth brush!
Friday and Saturday, we met our favorite Miss Wendy at a local pottery place and painted some Christmas goodies for family members. I can't disclose details since they will go to back to the few that read our blog. But remember, Jake did these because he loves you!!
Sunday Jeremy took us to Cracker Barrel (as usual) and then we trekked down to St. Augustine for the Winter Wonderland. They had ice skating, smores, elf villages, snowball fights-all in 75 degree weather!
Visiting the Elf Village.....
Jake is growing up so fast! It hits me the hardest during the holidays when I'm trying to find him Christmas presents. We don't look in the baby/toddler isle anymore and it hurts my soul. I'm excited to see him grow everyday but I miss my little munchkin too. Thank goodness he still likes to cuddle snug with his Mama!!
Merry Christmas family and friends! We are so blessed this year to have Lovey spend Christmas with us and Papa to come soon after. That is the best gift we could ask for.
Only 6 days until Lovey flies here....

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