Sunday, March 6, 2011


Both kids are growing faster than I care for, but we're enjoying every minute of it! Last week began our 4 months of every-night-busy-schedule. Between baseball and karate, our free time has diminished to one afternoon a week.

Sweet Pea is more adorable than ever. I am loving the dress up time and she seems to enjoy the constant attention every where we go. Look at her-you can't help but want to love on her!
She started holding her own bottle last week (37 weeks officially). She's been able to hold it off and on for awhile but now she doesn't let us help her with it. Princess demands to do some things herself!
Monkey had a HUGE week in karate. First, he broke his first board! I couldn't believe it (don't worry, it was plastic) but am so proud of him. Second, he earned his first star for good behavior. Apparently, these are a big deal....almost as important as the lunch star at school. He's really into the karate thing-watch out!
We spend a lazy Saturday and Sunday at home playing games and watching lots of cartoons. I think our family really needed this.
Sweet Pea and Monkey play so well together-she's content as long as he's near her. He seems to love it too!
In a way it's sad to see them both growing and changing so fast but I'm very thankful that I get to be home with them to experience every minute of it.

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