Friday, March 25, 2011

Mississippi Ramblin'

Picture the busiest 6 days of 'vacation' you can and then throw in and add at least 2 kids....our Mississippi vacation! I forgot to take pictures until the last 2 days so my apologies to majority of J's family for not capturing the week.

What did we do, you ask?
Loved on our Mamaw and Grandy.
Saw the butterfly exhibit at the Natural Science Museum.
Sweet Pea doesn't care for science (like her mother).
Climbed a spider web with our cutie cousin.
Could they look any more alike? I think they could pass for brother and sister!
Checked on the trees. Monkey didn't seem to care that in 59 years he and Sweet Pea can cut the trees down and make a little cash. Baby Girl wanted to eat the tree, not pose with the tree.
Love on Granddaddy.
She LOVES her Great-Grandaddy! I was so surprised to see her reach for him but she couldn't keep her hands off of him!
And, finally, come home! Monkey bought a few toys guns that he wanted to show off. This is how he chose to dress for t-ball practice tonight. Crazy kid.

We had a wonderful time visiting with friends and family and hope to see everyone again this summer!

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