Friday, August 15, 2008

Workin for the Weekend

As everyone knows, we've been in Florida for almost two years now and still have very little active social life to speak of. One of my new favorite friends and co-workers introduced us to free family movie night at Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream. Hands down-best ice cream in the world...except none of it is sugar free. Picture a hyped up Spiderman racing through Target at 10:00 on a Friday night....Sugar free is a wonderful thing! Anyway, that is our plan for tonight. Florida weather is perfect for this one reason alone: outside entertainment. There is nothing like sitting in the parking lot of the best ice cream shoppe and watching a kids movie. And, I have a coupon to Chick-Fil-A. Rock on!
In a few weeks, Jeremy and I will be in search of something to temporarily fill our (almost) non-existant 'adult' social life. My folks are driving over for a visit so we use that opportunity to go on dates like we did, pre-marriage and family. What to do? What to do? I think last time we ended up eating at a dive and then people watching at the mall. Is that really entertainment? Oh yeah! However, as I type this, it almost sounds sad....maybe we should look for something new to do on date night! I'll keep my faithful readers posted as we figure out a fun night on the town....


Jim and Cara Lea said...

Suzanne-- I TOTALLY understand what you are saying! Jim and my dates now consist of eating somewhere and then people watching.. in Athens, we always went downtown or to the MALL! Athens has a lot of interesting people, so lots of good sights to see! Who knew this is what being an adult was all about.. eating and then hanging out at the mall.. sounds like we are preteens again! :)

Good luck finding something "adulty" to do!

Jim and Cara Lea said...

oh.. and the blog is really cute! :)